Summer Intern Schedule

15-20 hours a week

Sunday: Downtown Set Up (2pm-5pm)

Monday: Office Day (12pm-4pm)

Interns will have one hour of our staff VIBE teaching, get to participate in our Monday all-staff meeting and meet with their project lead for a brief description of what the project is for that week.

Tuesday: Project Day (12pm-4pm)

The projects will vary each week, but this time is set aside for interns to be able to serve and invest into whatever ministry they are working alongside each week. These projects could include; production, kids or warehouse clean up!

Wednesday: Youth (6pm-9pm)

Interns will get the opportunity to lead and serve at our middle school and high school summer events on Wednesday nights.

Other Expectations:

Interns are required to attend 2 services on Sunday and be at every church wide event (ILMC, Summer Bash ect).


VIA’s staff is going to the ZOE Conference in LA August 6-8 and interns will be invited and encouraged to raise funds to pay their way to join. It is going to be a great opportunity to conclude their time as an intern at VIA. Each intern will have to raise $250 to cover their ticket cost, lodging and travel.

Students will also be required to read Classic Christianity over the course of the summer.